Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Are Politics

In the last 8 years or so, the division between liberals and conservatives has grown to its height of polarity. Perhaps in times ago if we looked hard enough we would find similar times in history. I do know that it is a really uncomfortable place to be. It seems when both sides get along better, the whole economy seems to run better.

This is a very awkward time in our own history of course; as the economy has teetered on the verge of depression for the last couple of years. This fundamental principle has caused an element of society that was otherwise in the background, to come forward into the spotlight. That element would be the newly founded "Tea Party" whos ambitions are certainly out of the usual way of business. For better or worse, this element has taken over the usually "conservative" conservative party. Republicans have certainly swung wide and far to implement age old agendas that were otherwise already a thing of the past. This has created an enormous divide in the political realm.

The interesting thing here is that the Tea Party only represents 25 percent of the population, yet has gained at least 50 percent control of congress. This puts the otherwise "conservative" conservatives in a very awkward position as they have to cater to the conservative base, voters at home, but also the influx of 86 new freshman Tea Party congressmen.

What Are Politics

The liberals on the other hand have a Democrat in the white house, as well as a liberal ruling senate; and are stalled with every twist and turn.

It is going to be very interesting to see how this plays out in the 2012 elections, and I can not even imagine the new controversies that will arise between now and then. There has never been more money flowing into the election campaigns as there has been on the preparation for this election cycle. Corporations have donated hundreds of millions of dollars through election "pacs" and through lobbyists directly to politicians in an effort to secure the demise of workers rights and to banish corporate taxes. Political pundits we see on television recite the same message regardless of channel, as they have been well paid and prepared to defend the corporations who fund their salaries.

Can you imagine being a young person who has developed an interest in politics at this time? How in the world do they learn about what politics are; how do they learn the reality behind the stories we are told? How many thousands of hours of research much they endure to sift through the garbage? I imagine they would be as revolted by the whole process as I am. I'm sure they would simply give up the search for truth, as they are smart enough to know that most of what they hear is BS.

People are fundamentally liberal or conservative, or somewhere in the middle. There is nothing wrong with a person having views and beliefs that would classify them as one or the other. For being either, is simply a point of view; it is simply an ideal that best suits who they are. I should say, that a compromise by both sides landing somewhere in the middle would be the best ideal for everyone. If it were only this dynamic that were the impetus of politics, then what a grand and easy world politics would be.

Unfortunately politics are absolutely corrupted with big business and money. Congress is bought and sold by the hundreds of billions of dollars that are given to their campaign contributions. Laws are made and passed on behalf of big business, who in the end are the true legislation of our economy and politics. Congressmen are elected and re-elected with big business money; turning a 2 year service for the country into a life time career of service to those who keep them in power.

How could we begin to explain politics to our young adults unless we lead with the true reality behind how things are done. Recently, the governor of Illinois was just convicted on 17 felonies for attempting to sell senator Obamas senate seat. And did you know that out of the last 7 governors of Illinois, that 4 of them have gone to prison?

Recently Rupert Murdock ( A conservative activist)- who owns 40 percent of the media operations of the world - is going to be indicted for his paper "News of the World" in England, which hacked into over 5000 peoples personal phone messages. This taping had gone on for years, going as high as parliament its self. Rumors have surfaced that bribes were given to Scottland Yard to allow these antics to continue. Without doubt, the investigation is now beginning in his US holdings, including FOX tv.

My point being; that Rupert is connected to the Coch brothers (Billionaire Conservative Activists) who spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fight labor rights and corporate regulation. All this sort of corruption has nothing to do with a persons position on being conservative or liberal. Its all about big money manipulating our lives.

It just so happens that most of the money big business spends to control our lives, is funneled to the conservative party; yet it does not diminish the true conservatives point of view. It simply means, this is the party that big business can manipulate the easiest as they manipulate their message to fit under the umbrella of conservatism.

I think the way to compromise and bringing harmony back to politics and to our economy is for Americans to wake up and focus on removing the corruption, and manipulation that prevails the system. This begins by conversations, by changing the conversation from liberals and conservatives to the root of the problem. With the exception of a few, our congressmen no longer work for us. We have career scum bags, who are only serving themselves and the big business who pays them. Arguing about liberals or conservatives is like worrying about the tread on your tires, even as the engine has blown up.

What Are Politics
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