Thursday, November 22, 2012

Top 3 Ways to Create Political Slogans That Win!

Political slogans can be an integral part of your campaign's communications effort. Slogans present an easy-to-remember way to present your candidate's name and message to the electorate. Ideal political taglines should be pithy and memorable, utilize the candidate's name, and tie directly to the campaign's message:

1. Make it Memorable

If your political slogans aren't memorable, then... well, then no one will remember them.   That goes without saying, right? Make your slogans memorable by making them short and pithy. Try using alliteration (starting several words with the same letter) or the "rule of three." This rule says that things are more easily remembered when they are presented in threes. (For example: Arlen Specter for District Attorney: He's Smart, He's Tough, and Nobody Owns Him...) Using three short, punchy phrases is a way to make your slogan very memorable.

Top 3 Ways to Create Political Slogans That Win!

2. Utilize the Candidate's Name

Every slogan should use the candidate's name as a central part of the tagline. What good is a political slogan if it doesn't help the voters remember the candidate's name? For example:

John Smith for Alderman. No One Cares More about Our Schools.

Clean Streets, Safe Neighborhoods. Ralph Major for Mayor.

Too many campaigns have really catchy slogans that don't use the candidate's name. Don't make this mistake. Always put the candidate's name front and center in your political slogan.

3. Tie Your Slogan to the Campaign Message

How should you decide what your campaign slogan should be? The first step is to review your campaign message - what is it that you most want the voters to remember about your campaign? What sets your candidate apart from "the other guy?" Take that issue (the "message" of your campaign) and use it to craft your slogan.

For example, if your message revolves around lower taxes, then so should your tagline.  If your message centers on building new schools in your town, then your tagline should focus on education.

When building your political slogans , remember to make them memorable, use the candidate's name, and tie your tagline as closely as possible to your campaign's message. Then, test your slogan by running it by as many voters as possible (both supportive and non-supportive) as possible to see what they think. Make some revisions, and then go with it. 

Well crafted, well thought out political slogans can and should form an integral part of your overall campaign communications strategy.

Top 3 Ways to Create Political Slogans That Win!
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Joe Garecht is the founder of Local Victory, a website which offers hundreds of free articles and tips on winning elections.

If you need more information on how to create great political slogans, how to fundraise for your campaign, or how to win your election, be sure to visit Local Victory.

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