Friday, November 30, 2012

Fun Facts About Nicaragua


In the 1940s, baseball became the most popular sport in the country, thanks to such as Chino Melendez, Crisanto Adan Balmaceda Castrillo, Alfredo Garcia Mencia, Roberto Martinez, Alfredo Fonseca, Francisco Fletes Silva, Duncan Desmond Campbell Kaine, Timothy Mena Hodgson, and Jonathan Robinson Lee.


Fun Facts About Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a small country in Central America.It is a tropical paradise, squeezed in between two big oceans. Nicaragua is bigger than Portugal or Ireland.


Luis Enrique is from Nicaragua. The Latin America´s number 1 Nicaraguan singer in the 1980s and 1990s,with songs "Mi Mundo" ("My World") and "Amigo" ("Friend").


The Nicaragua baseball team won fourth place during the Olympics Games 1996 held in Atlanta,USA.


In 1983, Pope John Paul II visited Nicaragua.


The Ruins of Leon Viejo was declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000. It Is the oldest city in Central America.


The Nicaraguan people have many idols: Bianca Jagger (human rights activist), Barbara Carrera (actress), Alexis Arguello (sportsman), Ruben Dario (poet), Pedro Joaquin Chamorro (journalist), Nora Astorga (former ambassador to the United Nations), and Chino Melendez (sportsman).


Nicaragua is famous in history as the birthplace of Ruben Dario, one of the best poets in the 20th century. His real name was Felix Ruben Garcia Sarmiento, but he is better known by pen name Ruben Dario.


Violeta Barrios de Chamorro was president of Nicaragua from 1990 to 1997.She was Third World´s first elected woman president.She is the widow of Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, who was assassinated in the 1970s.In 1990 Violeta Barrios de Chamorro became the first democratic president in the history of Nicaragua.


Nicaragua hosted the 20th Baseball World Championship in 1972.


Lake Nicaragua is one of the biggest lakes in Latin America. It is one of the most important touristic attractions in Nicaragua.


Miss Nicaragua, Xiomara Blandino, qualified for the semi-final at the Miss Universe 2007.Miss Nicaragua 2007, once said,"I am a young woman with a lot of charisma, and one of my greatest virtues is my positive outlook on life.I want them to know that I have great potential as a woman and that I have the capability of giving myself completely to everything that I want to accomplish. I always enjoy every experience that life offers me."

Fun Facts About Nicaragua
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Alejandro Guevara Onofre: Alejandro, best known as “Alex”, is a freelance writer. Different from other freelance writers, Alejandro is a versatile writer, who has written articles about biographies, culture, ecology, tourism, and international relations.

He admires Jimmy Carter (former President of the USA), Maria Felix (Mexican actress), Mario Vargas Llosa (writer from Peru), and Osmel Sousa (currently President of Miss Venezuela Organization).

His favorite writer is V.S.Naipaul. His hobbies and interests are writing essays, going to the gym, browsing the Internet, Foreign Politics, learning about cultures, reading , cooking Peruvian food, listening to American and British Music...

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Public Administration Vs Private Administration

Most authors differentiate public administration and private administration by educational institutions (public schools vs. private schools). Although it's a good example to provide a comprehensive analysis between the two sectors, I found it not the quintessence for a comparative analysis. Historically, in our country, public schools have a much higher quality education than private schools, and studying economics and public administration, it is not just the nature of bureaucracies, nor the scope of public administration that the case today was reversed. While some authors identified over a dozen factors that differentiates public to private administration, Denhardt only speaks of the three fundamental differences between the two. In this paper, I would elaborate Denhardt's three points since, together with economist Boadway's Difference between Public and Private Sector, I found these as the most undisputable and concrete comparisons.

The most apparent difference between the two sectors is their organizing principles or goal. (Denhardt) While private administration has a definite mission, which is the pursuit of profit or stability or growth of revenues, public administration, on the other hand, has ambiguous purposes. Furthermore, the dilemma in ambiguity of purposes is exacerbated by too many unnecessary and inoperable agencies, with purposes that overlap and bloated bureaucracies. One might say that the goal of public administration is to enact public policies, but the overlapping and the main ambiguity of most of these policies, and the vagueness of the enactment of these policies make public administration's purpose to be more ambiguous. Nevertheless, the fact that public institutions are not profit driven, should not lead us to believe that public sector employees and managers are not concerned about financial matters. As is the case with private companies, public sector units and organizations fight for funding and influence.

Another factor that makes the public sector different from the private is decision making. (Denhradt) In public administration, the decision must be and should be pluralistic. The founding fathers intentionally created a democratic republic where all key decisions are made in politicized environment. This allows for maximum participation: open debate, multiple veto points - a decision making hierarchy where consensus must be achieved at each level, ideally, an informed decision. While private administration's decision-making is much more simple- it's monopolistic or close to monopolistic. This type of decision-making would avoid any conflicts in interest; hence, the goal is clearly defined.

Public Administration Vs Private Administration

The visibility of public administrators is another notable difference between public and private sector. While a manager in a private business may work in relative obscurity, the public manager must operate in the public eye. His or her actions are constantly subjected to public scrutiny. (Denhardt) The publicness of the work of the public manager doesn't end in merely carrying out public policy, the public manager has to respond to the demands of the public. Denhardt speaks of the "inevitable tension" between efficiency and responsiveness, the pressure to manage effectively and to be simultaneously responsive to public concerns. This pressure often leaves public organizations in a "no-win" situation, trying to serve a public that demands effective government but balks at paying for it (taxes). The public also demands accountability in government, an assurance that those who formulate, implement and administer public programs will act responsibly.

One quality that makes public sector different from private is in the form of unit analysis. (Boadway) Apart from publicly owned-companies, most public institutions are part of a larger chain of command and control where it is harder to draw a line between the different parts of the system- and where legal frameworks provide little help in this. For instance: public agencies- like research councils or directorates of health- interact closely with ministries as well as subordinate institution and "users". The innovation activities in these institutions are heavily influenced by decisions made above and below the chain of commands. The closest parallel to private sector will be large conglomerates or multinational companies. The complex system of organizations with various (and to some extent conflicting) tasks, is one of the reasons for the inefficiency of public administration. Although, some authors in public administration, such Woodrow Wilson in The Study of Public Administration, where he reiterated that the evolution of public administration together with its complex system and increasing number of bureaucracies is to complement the population growth, but a population with sufficient number of agencies to manage them and with high marginal productivity for each public employee, is better than a bloated bureaucracy with little or zero marginal productivity, and worse, unnecessary and redundant purpose.

Lastly, although political aspect is both apparent in public and private sector, political aspect is more important in the public than in the private sector. Policy decisions normally affect companies directly and indirectly, through laws, regulations and financial support. The public sector is at least formally controlled by elected politicians. The intimate link between this governance dimension and funding of current expenses of the activities implies a very strong link between ownership and control on the one hand and the growth strategies of the subsidiary organizations.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Top 3 Ways to Create Political Slogans That Win!

Political slogans can be an integral part of your campaign's communications effort. Slogans present an easy-to-remember way to present your candidate's name and message to the electorate. Ideal political taglines should be pithy and memorable, utilize the candidate's name, and tie directly to the campaign's message:

1. Make it Memorable

If your political slogans aren't memorable, then... well, then no one will remember them.   That goes without saying, right? Make your slogans memorable by making them short and pithy. Try using alliteration (starting several words with the same letter) or the "rule of three." This rule says that things are more easily remembered when they are presented in threes. (For example: Arlen Specter for District Attorney: He's Smart, He's Tough, and Nobody Owns Him...) Using three short, punchy phrases is a way to make your slogan very memorable.

Top 3 Ways to Create Political Slogans That Win!

2. Utilize the Candidate's Name

Every slogan should use the candidate's name as a central part of the tagline. What good is a political slogan if it doesn't help the voters remember the candidate's name? For example:

John Smith for Alderman. No One Cares More about Our Schools.

Clean Streets, Safe Neighborhoods. Ralph Major for Mayor.

Too many campaigns have really catchy slogans that don't use the candidate's name. Don't make this mistake. Always put the candidate's name front and center in your political slogan.

3. Tie Your Slogan to the Campaign Message

How should you decide what your campaign slogan should be? The first step is to review your campaign message - what is it that you most want the voters to remember about your campaign? What sets your candidate apart from "the other guy?" Take that issue (the "message" of your campaign) and use it to craft your slogan.

For example, if your message revolves around lower taxes, then so should your tagline.  If your message centers on building new schools in your town, then your tagline should focus on education.

When building your political slogans , remember to make them memorable, use the candidate's name, and tie your tagline as closely as possible to your campaign's message. Then, test your slogan by running it by as many voters as possible (both supportive and non-supportive) as possible to see what they think. Make some revisions, and then go with it. 

Well crafted, well thought out political slogans can and should form an integral part of your overall campaign communications strategy.

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Joe Garecht is the founder of Local Victory, a website which offers hundreds of free articles and tips on winning elections.

If you need more information on how to create great political slogans, how to fundraise for your campaign, or how to win your election, be sure to visit Local Victory.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Predictions for 2012 Presidential Election - Possible Scenarios in the Presidential Elections

At the time of this writing, it is still pretty early in the race for the presidency. As far as the predictions for 2012 Presidential election results, there are several scenarios that could play out this year. President Obama is going to run for President again, and at the time of this writing, Mitt Romney appears to have the presidential nomination locked up for the Republican Party. As a result, we will assume these are the main candidates.

I am going to make several major predictions for the 2012 presidential election. One of these will come true!

Prediction 1: Obama could win in a landslide victory.
It seems like this is not even possible right now, but I do believe that Obama could win re-election in 2012 by a huge margin. We have already seen how candidates can quickly gain and lose momentum in the Republican primaries. Probably the best example we have seen of how this can happen is with Herman Cain. When the Republican debates first started, Cain's popularity exploded. He led in the polls for a short time, and then the allegations of sexual harassment and affairs started popping up. Within weeks, Cain was out of the race.

Predictions for 2012 Presidential Election - Possible Scenarios in the Presidential Elections

If Romney's financial records are released in the spring, and there are any major inconsistencies within his tax returns, then he could lose a lot of support within his own party.

The other major issue is that Romney is much more moderate than most of the other Republican challengers. When conservatives learn that Romney has supported many liberal causes throughout his history, there are going to be many more conservative Republicans who refuse to vote for him in the elections.

Prediction 2: Obama wins after a third party splits the Republican vote.
Of all of the predictions for the 2012 presidential election, this frightens Republicans the most. Romney is simply not a strong conservative candidate. He does not get the conservative base excited, and the Tea Party does not support him either. As a result, the odds of getting a third party candidate are increasing by the day.

Ron Paul has refused to completely rule out the possibility of running as a third party candidate. He ran in 2008 as a third party candidate, and he could run again. Paul has more support than he had in 2008, and that means he could seriously damage the chances of a Republican winning the presidency in 2012.

Prediction 3: Romney wins because of the economy
The jobs numbers and other economic data will play a major role in whether Obama gets reelected at the end of the year. With high unemployment numbers, he will have a hard time convincing Americans that he knows how to turn around the economy. Blaming Bush is not going to help him win this time. Romney is going to get a lot of people to vote for him simply because they are voting for "anyone but Obama".

Prediction 4: Romney wins because another candidate runs against Obama.
Obama is a weak candidate too. It is entirely possible that someone else could split the Democrat ticket. If someone splits the Democrat ticket, then the election victory goes to Romney.

These are my predictions for the 2012 presidential election. One of these scenarios will happen!

Predictions for 2012 Presidential Election - Possible Scenarios in the Presidential Elections
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Perception, Persuasion, and Politics in Media - A Look at How Politicians Can Legally Rig Elections

It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency. George W. Bush, June 14, 2001, speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling.

The Case Study

Making someone, or indeed something, persuasive is much more complex than it may initially seem. We know what appeals to us to make us align with someone, but we are not always aware what the 'x factor' they possess really is; in other words, we can warm to someone without fully understanding why. The following example, from psychological literature, sheds some light on the matter. During the American 1984 Presidential campaign between Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale an experiment took place for eight days. Lead researcher Brian Mullen, of Syracuse University, videotaped three national, nightly news broadcasts featuring news anchors Peter Jennings of ABC, Tom Brokaw of NBC and Dan Rather of CBS. Mullen viewed the tapes and excerpted every reference to both candidates, leaving him with thirty-seven segments of roughly two and a half seconds in length. A group of randomly selected participants then viewed the tapes with the volume muted so they were unaware of what the broadcast pertained, removing the chance of political bias. The participants were asked to rate the facial expressions of each news anchor on a 21-point scale, with the lowest number being "extremely negative" and the highest being "extremely positive".

Perception, Persuasion, and Politics in Media - A Look at How Politicians Can Legally Rig Elections

The outcome proved enlightening. Dan Rather of CBS scored 10.46 and 10.37 when talking about Mondale and Reagan respectively, meaning his expression was perfectly neutral, offering no advocacy over one candidate or the other. Tom Brokaw of NBC scored 11.21 for Mondale and 11.50 for Reagan, making him slightly more positive for both than Rather but still remaining balanced for both. The enlightening part came when analysing the results of ABC's Peter Jennings. His results showed him speaking more positively about Mondale than both his counterparts, at 13.38, but for Reagan he became so enthusiastic he scored a very high 17.44 - less than four points off the maximum. The study's researcher Mullen acted in accordance with his scientific duty and tried to determine if there was an explanation for this beyond candidate bias, such as the possibility that he was just more animated and expressive than the other broadcasters. To conclude whether or not this was the case, the same participants were shown control segments from the same broadcasters as they spoke about a happy topic and a sad topic (namely, a medical breakthrough in treating a congenital disease and Indira Gandhi's funeral respectively). Of Jennings, Brokaw and Rather, Jennings not only failed to score higher, but appeared to be the least expressive and by no means had a happy expression as his usual one. So much so that he scored only 14.13 for the story of the medical breakthrough, which was considerably lower than both other newscasters. Therefore, Mullen had no choice but to conclude that Jennings did, in fact, have "significant and noticeable bias in facial expression" when talking about Ronald Reagan.

Of course, this information is useless by itself and so Mullen, along with his colleagues, needed to find a way to determine whether or not this facial bias actually impacted voting choices. Their method to do this was to phone people who regularly watched the evening news, in various cities all across the country, and enquire who they voted for. The results were quite remarkable: in every phone survey ABC viewers voted Reagan much more than those who watched CBS or NBC. For example, a full three-quarters of the Cleveland ABC watchers voted Reagan, compared to 61.9 per cent of CBS or NBC viewers; over 71 per cent of ABC viewers in Williamstown, Massachusetts, voted Reagan compared to just half of the other two networks; and in Erie, Pennsylvania, it was 73.7 per cent for Reagan and 50 per cent for Mondale. So not only did Jennings subtly influence voting behavior across the nation, but also in staggeringly similar numbers.

Somewhat predictably, and no doubt but for the sake of its public image, ABC vehemently disputed the study, indeed the study researcher Mullen is quoted as saying "It's my understanding that I'm the only social scientist to have the dubious distinction of being called a 'jackass' by Peter Jennings". It is possible that Mullen's conclusion got the cart before the horse, that rather than Jennings influencing viewers it is simply that Republicans watch a station that is more sympathetic to their party of choice, and rather than Jennings tempting over 70 per cent of viewers to vote a particular candidate, those 70+ per cent watch Jennings because they like his stance. Yet, as obviously plausible as this is, Mullen argued - with no short supply of likelihood - that it simply was not the case. To validate his claim, he referred to the fact that ABC was actually more hostile to Reagan than Mondale and so cannot be considered necessarily a pro-Republican station. Not leaving the issue there, four years later he proved his initial findings were not merely flukes, because when Bush was competing against Dukakis for Presidency Mullen repeated the experiment - with the same outcome. He said of this second experiment that "Jennings showed more smiles when referring to the Republican candidate than the Democrat" and that in another phone survey like before "viewers who watch Jennings were more likely to have voted for Bush"

Source: Adapted from: The Psychology of Consumer Behavior & The Tipping Point

The Takeaway

It is common knowledge that the media has a profound effect in shaping elections and some would argue it is a useful tool for social engineering. Yet despite knowing the effect exists, few know exactly how it works, except those with esoteric knowledge on the subject - and they are probably exploiting it already. This research has direct implications on how a politician can leverage his position by specific manipulation of the media which can, in turn, have a profound subconscious effect on the choice of voters. Implicit in the above study is the view that if all newscasters covering politics just so much as only exude a positive expression regardless of what is being said when covering or discussing certain politicians, the perception will have a measurable effect come election time. This is subliminal persuasion to say the least, as what is being said is not as important as how it is being said - from a visual perspective that is. A positive slant can be obtained from a neutral or mildly negative story if it is delivered with enthusiasm or positivity, without viewers even consciously comprehending the effect.


As Mullen showed, the independent variable is the facial expression of the newscaster, while the dependent variable is the perceived emotional content of expression i.e. positive or negative. The key word here is 'perceived'.

Assumptions made in this study are therefore:

a. Newscaster's preference for a politician is positively correlated with his facial expression

b. Viewers have not misread his expression i.e. if he came across as positive, that is because he is feeling positive, as opposed to appearing positive because his job essentially demands as much.

c. Viewers who were exposed to positive facial expression of a newsreader covering a certain politician are much more likely to view that politician in the same light.

d. Viewers who perceive a politician in a positive light are therefore more likely to vote for the same candidate come election time.

Each assumption is the sine qua non for the next (i.e. for b to be true a has to be true, for c to be true, b has to be true (so a has to be true as well) and so on)

Mullen et al. were careful to draw any conclusion as noted in their statement: "Jennings exhibited a significant and noticeable bias in facial expression toward Reagan" which neither gives away nor explicitly implies Jennings's political preference.

Perhaps there is really only one way to confirm the above study and put it beyond any reasonable doubt: to look at Peter Jennings' voting ballot. Since that is illegal, it seems that the only person that will ever know for sure is Peter Jennings himself. However, t is unlikely for Jennings to ever reveal who he voted for for two reasons; a) this is a powerful knowledge to have (if confirmed) and b) the backlash for ABC and Jennings is unthinkable.


Mullen et al. found that people who watch Jennings were more likely to vote for Regan than people who watched Brokaw or Rather. Newscasters can have much more influence than they either believe or admit. Such findings are disturbing to say the least, for they purport that we are effectively governed by what we see. In everyday life, political discussions rarely lead to a changed opinion, and yet tacit, subconscious influences can have profound effects. To quote Mullen once more: "When people watch the news, they don't intentionally filter biases out, or feel they have to argue against the expression of the's much more subtle and for that reason much more insidious, and that much harder to insulate ourselves against."

A second implication of these findings is that visual, nonverbal cues are equally, or more, important than verbal ones. As validated countless times by body language experts, how we conduct ourselves matters. This is further proven when we simply consider that Jennings did not litter his newscasts with pro-Reagan speeches - in fact, as mentioned previously, ABC was openly more hostile to the Republican party than NBC and CBS.

The third, final and arguably most important implication is that persuasion works in ways we often do not appreciate, or even understand. For instance, visual expressions of happiness such as smiles and nods are not subliminal, they are visible and apparent. However, they are very subtle and the way in which they are used gets processed in our subconscious and then relayed in our conscious with a message that such-and-such is good. In this instance, Jennings smiling each time he mentioned Reagan subtly influenced viewers to believe Reagan was a good choice to vote for. Yet, despite this link, no viewer would ever accept it is the reason they voted for Reagan; no, they would argue that they liked Reagan's policies, or thought he was doing well so far or even his charisma, but never that they were influenced by a newsreaders smile. Yet it is very apparent that persuasiveness works beyond eloquence and choice of words; it works very well with subtle, nonverbal communication too.


· A politician seeking power will benefit from newsreaders displaying positive expressions when covering news pieces that relate to him or her.

· To avoid accusations of a biased media, this strategy can be undertaken covertly (e.g. the director of the news company can encourage the 'right' newscaster to smile more often when covering a certain subject. That way, the newscaster does not even need to be aware of their own effect on viewers/voters). This will reduce any likelihood of the newscaster exposing the tactic at a later date.

· When times are good, a politician in power can use this knowledge as a tool for gaining public approval for his agenda or pushing through his policies.

· When times are bad, it can help with PR or falling popularity.


A politician's winning smile is often mentioned. The above study is clearly consistent with the disturbing possibility that a smile might be able to elect a president! Granted, that is farfetched even for the most naive wannabe believers. 'Smiling' alone may not elect a president, but when used in conjunction with many other media manipulation techniques, the outcome of an election can be all but certain.

Below is just one of many examples on how clever media manipulation can be used for political gains. White (1972) described how Franklin Roosevelt cleverly removed Thomas E. Dewey from the stimulus situation for an evening during the 1944 presidential campaign. Roosevelt had reserved a fifteen-minute segment on NBC radio and Dewey subsequently reserved the following fifteen-minute segment in order to capitalise on Roosevelt's audience. However Roosevelt spoke only for fourteen of his allocated fifteen minutes and left the last minute completely silent. Reportedly, listeners across the country believed that the NBC network has gone off the air after the president's speech and all of those listeners began scanning for other stations. As a result, the millions who had listened to Roosevelt a minute before were not listening when Dewey came on the air.

Although Roosevelt's action had less to do with persuasion and more to do with underhand tactics, the results are equally profound as the public/voters were not aware that they were being 'manipulated'.

For a more recent example on perception, persuasion and politics in media, consider Barack Obama's presidential campaign. We have the benefit of a retrospective view on Obama as a politician, therefore it is vital to consider the following scenario from its given time frame of prior to the election. In October 2008, Wall Street Journal Online reported that Obama had made a decision not to sport an American flag pin on his lapel. When asked in an interview with KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Illinois senator said he stopped wearing the pin shortly after the attacks and instead hoped to show his patriotism by explaining his ideas to citizens:

The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security. I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest, instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism. (Taranto WSJO)

During the campaign trail, Obama's pastor, Rev Jeremiah Wright, gave a speech (later referred to as "God Damn America") that was racially polarising and could easily spell the death blow for Obama's White House aspirations. Rev Wright was alienating white voters (amongst many other anti-patriotic criticisms) with his rhetoric, and to the viewers and voters, Obama was guilty by association.

This prompted Obama to issue a TV ad denouncing Wright's statements. His "major speech on race" was also necessitated by the revelation that his "spiritual mentor" had among other things called on God to damn America. Critics noted that Obama "did the right thing", that his TV ad statement and speech were well crafted and "did the job" considering the extent of the case, and the campaign's aim of damage control.

Most people may not realise that Obama's TV ad has the American flag carefully placed in shot, and he gave his "major speech on race" amid a row of eight American flags! They were placed directly behind him as he stood at the lectern. (This is perhaps the most liberal use of subtle tactics uncovered by Mullen.)

Critics were quick to notice it, with James Taranto of the WSJ noting: light of his October comment, what are we to make of his extravagant use of the Stars and Stripes on Tuesday (Major Speech on Race)? If a flag pin on a lapel is "a substitute for true patriotism," is that not also true of eight flags on a stage as a backdrop to a political speech? Obama proclaimed himself too good for cheap symbolism, but resorted to it the first time he faced a real crisis. Is he really any different from the run-of-the-mill politician?

In the context of this paper, a critical reader will not ask "what the flag symbolises" but rather "how such symbolism and visual aids can be used in media for the attainment of specific purposes".

This is not to take anything away from Obama as a politician. But to ignore the impact of carefully crafted media images (i.e. images of Obama eloquently denouncing Wright against a backdrop of American flags beamed to millions of American voters) will be blatantly taking credit away from the media's contribution to Obama's campaign.

With the benefit of hindsight, it is no surprise that Obama's campaign has successfully leveraged the power of media. It is also no secret that his campaign's online media strategies - his personal website, YouTube channel and social networking site - were well crafted and credited for Obama's election success. For further insurance, Obama's camp had hired Facebook's co-founder Chris Hughes to coordinate their online efforts.

This does not mean people such as Jennings, and the media as a collective, are unwitting tools in the political game. At least, not explicitly; they can be with the right circumstances. If a US politician aspiring to the highest office goes on national television and fails to name a Supreme Court case other than Roe v Wade, no amount of media persuasion or manipulation can save their political campaign. In fact, it will further speed up their political demise. Consider the following example: In the run up to the 2008 US presidential election, Republican vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin was ridiculed after her interviews with CBS's Katie Couric. In the interviews, the then Governor of Alaska appeared stumped by relatively easy questions regarding Supreme Court rulings and foreign policies. At one point, in response to Couric's question: "...when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read..?" Palin could not, or at least did not, even name one newspaper that she read.

As one can imagine, when the interviews aired, the media had a field day at Palin's expense. The key point here is not how Sarah Palin carved her own downfall by appearing incompetent or how Palin jokes making the rounds among newscasters and late night talk-show hosts were making her look bad; but rather the 'message' the newscasters have imprinted on their viewers. A newscaster may be presenting news on the Grand Old Party as professionally as he possibly can, but his personal sense of disbelief, whilst irrelevant to the news, is somehow transported into the mind of viewers through the subtle, the hidden and the unspoken.

The fact that such a seemingly incompetent woman could one day be President of America should the Republicans win the election and anything happen to John McCain hit home to viewers, without the newscaster intending as much. Accordingly, Palin suddenly became the talking point of citizens who up until that point had little to no interest in politics. The 'Jennings effect' therefore can also work the other way round: negativity from a newsreader can cause disillusion with the party.

A politician with such knowledge and the right skills can theoretically push the right buttons, tick the right boxes and win our votes. Isn't that what a politician is supposed to do anyway? Isn't that his job, to use the media and any available tool at his disposal to convince us? Yes, it is, just like it is a magician's job to convince us of the seemingly impossible. It is one thing watching a magician perform and applauding him, but another to reveal the secrets to his tricks. In some ways, a politician is similar to a magician as they both have to perform in public, they both have to gain our approval to win us over, they both use perception and persuasion techniques and they both have to sometimes convince us against overwhelming odds. The only difference is that when it is all said and done, when the performance is over a magician has no say over the forces that influence of our lives and country.

To take this crude analogy further, a street magician can use all the tricks up his sleeves to manipulate members of the public for good or bad intentions. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing to stop these people using it for their own personal gains. We, the public, are aware of this and call them 'conmen' or 'scam artists'. This is not to say that all street magicians are scam artists or that politicians have their own agendas; an overwhelming majority of them have good intentions and politicians are there to serve the public trust.

The premise of this paper is not to identify politicians with street magicians. Any criticism directed at such comparison is missing the point. It is one thing to watch a magician manipulate an audience, it is another to reveal the tricks, and yet entirely another to replicate it (perform it). Similarly it is one thing to watch Jennings on ABC news, another to be able to link viewers voting preference with his facial expressions, and yet entirely another to be able to methodise it and incorporate such methods to affect the outcome of an election.

Perhaps knowledge really is power. But the great Napoleon Hill once wrote that "Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organised into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end." [p 75 (2004) Think and Grow Rich]

And so, with the above information in mind, I propose the following questions to the reader:

As a voter,

How would you view the next political message you come across? How would you analyse it or read into it?
As a politician,

How would you devise your next campaign? How are you utilising the media to maximise the effectiveness of your message?
More importantly, what would one do with knowledge that can shape the outcome of an election? Is such knowledge applicable elsewhere? Is it already in use? Have I been affected by it? These are the questions that are central to the premise of this paper.

The methods discussed so far represent only the tip of the iceberg, the size of which remains undetermined. Therefore, in future, if a reader watches a political campaign and recalls the discussion and questions set forth earlier then, suffice to say, the author has achieved his original aim when he set out to write this article.


In conclusion, consider the following fictional work by suspense author Robert Bloch. The story presents a nameless professor who has arranged a secret meeting with the head of the nation's largest advertising firm. The reason for the meeting is to propose a means of developing the most effective type of politician.

When I began to study these things you've mentioned - how people from the entertainment would have gradually infiltrated politics as advisors, producers, technicians; how they've tried to train our politicians and office holders to become like actors. And it occurred to me then- why not use actors?... You said yourself that almost any man who starts with a clean record and a noncommittal attitude can be built into a political figure by means of present-day psychological techniques. The trick is to teach him to speak, to handle himself properly when on public display. So why waste time on tired old men or egotistical prima donnas who can't cope with their roles? If politics is show business, why not put the right actors into the parts to begin with? (Bloch, 1959, Show Biz p.66)

The notion is probably somewhat fanciful, but certainly interesting - that an effective politician could be produced merely by using an existing actor who knows how to "play to an audience", as evidenced perhaps by Clint Eastwood becoming Mayor or Carmel in the 1980s. Or, maybe even Ronald Reagan's rise to presidency.

As Bloch's writing shows, it seems that reality can sometimes draw inspiration from fiction. Or is it the other way around?

Perception, Persuasion, and Politics in Media - A Look at How Politicians Can Legally Rig Elections
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David S. Wong is the Head of Corporate Communications at Asia Media. He has been with the company since its inception in 2007. He is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Brighton where he specializes in entrepreneurship and management practices of IT and media firms. David also works as a management and IT consultant. He is a Microsoft certified systems administrator. A Malaysian native, David studied Civil Engineering at University of Liverpool where he obtained an honours degree. He subsequently read postgraduate Management at University of Brighton where he graduated at the top of his class with Distinction. David splits his time between living in London and Kuala Lumpur. His current interests include advertising, digital Out-of-Home media, management and entrepreneurship research. In his spare time, David enjoys managing his own portfolio: trading derivates and shares on the UK and US stock market.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Are Politics

In the last 8 years or so, the division between liberals and conservatives has grown to its height of polarity. Perhaps in times ago if we looked hard enough we would find similar times in history. I do know that it is a really uncomfortable place to be. It seems when both sides get along better, the whole economy seems to run better.

This is a very awkward time in our own history of course; as the economy has teetered on the verge of depression for the last couple of years. This fundamental principle has caused an element of society that was otherwise in the background, to come forward into the spotlight. That element would be the newly founded "Tea Party" whos ambitions are certainly out of the usual way of business. For better or worse, this element has taken over the usually "conservative" conservative party. Republicans have certainly swung wide and far to implement age old agendas that were otherwise already a thing of the past. This has created an enormous divide in the political realm.

The interesting thing here is that the Tea Party only represents 25 percent of the population, yet has gained at least 50 percent control of congress. This puts the otherwise "conservative" conservatives in a very awkward position as they have to cater to the conservative base, voters at home, but also the influx of 86 new freshman Tea Party congressmen.

What Are Politics

The liberals on the other hand have a Democrat in the white house, as well as a liberal ruling senate; and are stalled with every twist and turn.

It is going to be very interesting to see how this plays out in the 2012 elections, and I can not even imagine the new controversies that will arise between now and then. There has never been more money flowing into the election campaigns as there has been on the preparation for this election cycle. Corporations have donated hundreds of millions of dollars through election "pacs" and through lobbyists directly to politicians in an effort to secure the demise of workers rights and to banish corporate taxes. Political pundits we see on television recite the same message regardless of channel, as they have been well paid and prepared to defend the corporations who fund their salaries.

Can you imagine being a young person who has developed an interest in politics at this time? How in the world do they learn about what politics are; how do they learn the reality behind the stories we are told? How many thousands of hours of research much they endure to sift through the garbage? I imagine they would be as revolted by the whole process as I am. I'm sure they would simply give up the search for truth, as they are smart enough to know that most of what they hear is BS.

People are fundamentally liberal or conservative, or somewhere in the middle. There is nothing wrong with a person having views and beliefs that would classify them as one or the other. For being either, is simply a point of view; it is simply an ideal that best suits who they are. I should say, that a compromise by both sides landing somewhere in the middle would be the best ideal for everyone. If it were only this dynamic that were the impetus of politics, then what a grand and easy world politics would be.

Unfortunately politics are absolutely corrupted with big business and money. Congress is bought and sold by the hundreds of billions of dollars that are given to their campaign contributions. Laws are made and passed on behalf of big business, who in the end are the true legislation of our economy and politics. Congressmen are elected and re-elected with big business money; turning a 2 year service for the country into a life time career of service to those who keep them in power.

How could we begin to explain politics to our young adults unless we lead with the true reality behind how things are done. Recently, the governor of Illinois was just convicted on 17 felonies for attempting to sell senator Obamas senate seat. And did you know that out of the last 7 governors of Illinois, that 4 of them have gone to prison?

Recently Rupert Murdock ( A conservative activist)- who owns 40 percent of the media operations of the world - is going to be indicted for his paper "News of the World" in England, which hacked into over 5000 peoples personal phone messages. This taping had gone on for years, going as high as parliament its self. Rumors have surfaced that bribes were given to Scottland Yard to allow these antics to continue. Without doubt, the investigation is now beginning in his US holdings, including FOX tv.

My point being; that Rupert is connected to the Coch brothers (Billionaire Conservative Activists) who spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fight labor rights and corporate regulation. All this sort of corruption has nothing to do with a persons position on being conservative or liberal. Its all about big money manipulating our lives.

It just so happens that most of the money big business spends to control our lives, is funneled to the conservative party; yet it does not diminish the true conservatives point of view. It simply means, this is the party that big business can manipulate the easiest as they manipulate their message to fit under the umbrella of conservatism.

I think the way to compromise and bringing harmony back to politics and to our economy is for Americans to wake up and focus on removing the corruption, and manipulation that prevails the system. This begins by conversations, by changing the conversation from liberals and conservatives to the root of the problem. With the exception of a few, our congressmen no longer work for us. We have career scum bags, who are only serving themselves and the big business who pays them. Arguing about liberals or conservatives is like worrying about the tread on your tires, even as the engine has blown up.

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Teaching the truth about Politics

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