Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Qualities Man Should Have

Although someone may be breathing, eating or moving he can be a man but he cannot be the man that a society indicates. To be a man there must be some human qualities in him. First of all being a social animal, he must learn to socialize. In other words, he must obey social rules and regulations or social norms and values at any cost. He ought to have enough courage to oppose social evils.

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Similarly he should be moral. He must be well disciplined. He must always stand against immoral activities. Furthermore, he should see and listen much but speakless thinking that he has two eyes and two ears but one mouth. He must get up with a lark and go to bed with a lamb. Love and help should be his principles. He should be away from ill-temper and jealousy. He must be hardworking, punctual and responsible in his duty. He should obey the elders and love the youngsters. Even, he should be able to respect each and every person.

Likewise he must not let other people down nor should he deceive anybody. He should better be a lender than a borrower. He must stand for truth. He should behave each day thinking that he is mortal. He must be polite. He should not interfere with someone's private life. He should keep his words. Above all he should stand for fundamental rights of the people. He must have high humanitarian feelings. He should be able to feel pain of a sufferer. He should be away from the words- I, me and my. He should be kind and good to all. To sum up man should be content with the things what he has but should not be content with learning activities because learning never ends.

What Qualities Man Should Have
What Qualities Man Should Have

Michael has been writing articles online for 10 years. Check out his latest website Instantaneous Water Heater [http://www.instantaneouswaterheater.org/] which help people find more about industrial water heaters [http://www.instantaneouswaterheater.org/industrial-water-heaters/].

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