Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Techniques in Political Research

The telephone call out method of political research is the dinosaur of our times. Like the dinosaur, everyone keeps talking about it as if it was still alive. Museums will someday display call centers with voice samples of the traditional political call. Sadly, many politicians and special interest groups still believe these old world methods are effective.

If you are an observer of recent elections, one very different feeling has been surfacing during the past two election cycles. An alarming lack of confidence in polls and election predictions.


A few obvious reasons the traditional polls are failing to perform are the advent of Caller ID, the massive use of the "Do Not Call" lists, the common (most cases it is now free) option to not list a new phone number when ordering service and the biggest factor no one wants to admit, the shit from land lines to cell lines as the ONLY phone in a residence. Cell numbers are not listed anywhere. The number of "cell phone only" voters will grow to over ten percent this year and continue to rise. Wow, so what data are you using to make critical decisions?

New Techniques in Political Research

I know you want to believe the old methods work. You want to trust. But in your heart, you know something isn't right. It is time for new research methods.

While voters have shifted their telephone habits, they have also started a new habit of Internet use. The political blogs, newspapers, interaction via Internet during news and town hall televised events and now the podcasts have America located in a different place. They have moved. Has your research company moved with them?

Research firms who have evolved with the times employ techniques including web cam interviews while conducting political research. Better than a phone call, this confirms who is being surveyed; this approach also enables the client to see a picture of all who have been survey. It is amazing how putting a face with the data spawns a different creative insight than traditional research results. The new age of political research has arrived. It is an exciting time for creative companies. It is not so good to be the dinosaur.

New Techniques in Political Research

Scott Perreault (http://www.scottradio.com) is a twenty-year political voice and media consultant. Scott is currently the media advisor for the 2006 Democratic US Senate candidate in Texas and a Republican State Senate candidate in Arizona. Scott Radio conducts affordable political research to determine the effectiveness of your campaign message, issues that are current with your voting demographic, name recognition issues, and much more. ([http://www.scottradio.com/csresearch.html]) We put a face on research. When your staff reviews numbers, it lacks reality. We let you into the real world of your target group when you look into their eyes. You will be amazed at what you see and how your decision making process is altered from traditional research results.

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