Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2008 Trends in US Politics

There appears to be quite a few new trends in this 2008 election year. And both sides seem to have quite a few tricks up their sleeves. Many of the old techniques of calling your opponent unfit to lead are of course, still at play, but interestingly enough there are a number of new strategies being deployed that are actually making a difference and may in the end change the outcome of the Presidential Election.

For instance, bloggers are now major players and the Democrats have certified some 500-Bloggers to represent them, most all are volunteers. The Republicans have certified only 200, but seem to have some strong talking points to project. During the both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions there will be a "Big Blogger's Test" erected by the biggest name on the Internet; Google. For 0 bloggers will have work stations, refreshments and a lounge, with full access to media coverage as well. Of course all the old political tricks are still alive and well. One astute gentleman and political analyst put it like this;


Everyone knows that in the human carbon based bi-ped world of primate politics that the easiest way to attack your opponent and make it stick is to call into question his moral character and then label him unfit to lead. Thus anyone who knows anything about the disgusting game of politics knows this little trick used by the political opponents on both sides."

2008 Trends in US Politics

Amazingly enough, we are entering a new age of politics and the Internet is speeding up the pace, we thus ought to be very careful not to get too caught up in the race.

2008 Trends in US Politics

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

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