Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Role of Media in Politics

What role does the powerful new media play in Politics? The short and long term effects cannot be denied. But does the new media offer us sound political information or simply entertain us for profit and ratings?

The New Media


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Every so often, the mass media system in the United States experiments significant transformations that signal a new plateau in its evolution. Widespread recognition of the new media's role on the political scene occurred during the 1992 Presidential campaign. The candidates flocked to talk radio, television talk shows, news magazine programs and the internet. Although the media offered many options to deliver their views, the debate as to rather or not the content was informative or entertainment had begun.

The Role of Media in Politics

Talk Radio

If there has been one communications format that has become emblematic of the new media, it is talk radio. Talk radio used to be the "night shift" of the airways. Talk radio reinvented itself. Talk radio became an important candidate forum in 1992. President George H. Bush interviewed with conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. By 1994 nine talk radio hosts ran for statewide or local office. Most were unsuccessful, but their positions in talk radio gave them legitimacy as

Other unsuccessful candidates such as former New York Governor Mario Cuomo and New York Mayor Ed Koch moved into local or national talk show host jobs. Talk radio had a political platform. Americans were tuning in. Ratings were up. Profits were rising. Talk radio had become a force to be reckoned with.


Cable television opened the airways for an onset of media opportunities. Time slots were filled with talk shows and news programs that you could tune in twenty four hours a day. The television media quickly enhanced their position in the political process. Politicians and the mainstream press could not help but take them seriously. One of the criticisms levied against the television media was that they trivialized serious issues of governing by mixing politics with entertainment. Every political issue at hand could now be analyzed and scrutinized twenty four hours a day on cable news. Campaigns had to give a second look on the role of media in politics. The media could be a tool of support or a thorn in your side. Campaign strategy had to be changed. The power of television was not to be denied.

The Internet

Twenty five years ago the term "modem" did not even appear in the dictionary. Modems connect people to online computer services such as CompuServe,Prodigy, America Online or MSN, and to hundreds of thousands of world wide websites and home pages. Increasingly, the internet has become a tool for political communications as well. On the net you could gain political info, express political opinion, and mobilize other voters and political leaders. You could also make political donations. In this years Presidential race, candidates have raised literally millions of dollars online. The web has become a electronic town hall. In a brief time, the web has grown into a major player in the new media.


The media has found its niche in today's politics. Rather its talk shows, television or the internet, they have laid a foundation, built a platform from which to voice their social agenda and flex their political muscle. How much of that voice is quality content is still up for debate. One thing is for sure, if you want to succeed in politics, it will not hurt to have the media in your corner.

The Role of Media in Politics

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

16 Most Inspiring Famous Failures

To succeed in business or life, I came to realize that we must continually take remedial actions. Putting myself on the line day after day can be extremely draining, especially when things do not work out as I desired. Hence, each time I face a disappointing event or undesirable outcome, I NEVER FORGET these famous failures:

1. Bill Gates, founder and chairman of Microsoft, has literally changed the work culture of the world in the 21st century, by simplifying the way computer is being used. He happens to be the world's richest man for the last one decade. However, in the 70's before starting out, he was a Harvard University dropout. The most ironic part is that, he started a software company (that was soon to become Microsoft) by purchasing the software technology from "someone" for only $US50 back then.


2. Abraham Lincoln, received no more than 5 years of formal education throughout his lifetime. When he grew up, he joined politics and had 12 major failures before he was elected the 16th President of the United States of America.

16 Most Inspiring Famous Failures

3. Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. His work on optics and gravitation made him one of the greatest scientists the world has even known. Many thought that Isaac was born a genius, but he wasn't! When he was young, he did very poorly in grade school, so poor that his teachers became clueless in improving his grades.

4. Ludwig van Beethoven, a German composer of classical music, is widely regarded as one of history's supreme composers. His reputation has inspired - and in many cases intimidated - composers, musicians, and audiences who were to come after him. Before the start of his career, Beethoven's music teacher once said of him "as a composer, he is hopeless". And during his career, he lost his hearing yet he managed to produce great music - a deaf man composing music, ironic isn't!

5. Thomas Edison who developed many devices which greatly influenced life in the 20th century. Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S patents to his name. When he was a boy his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. When he set out on his own, he tried more than 9,000 experiments before he created the first successful light bulb.

6. The Woolworth Company was a retail company that was one of the original five-and-ten-cent stores. The first Woolworth's store was founded in 1878 by Frank Winfield Woolworth and soon grew to become one of the largest retail chains in the world in the 20th century. Before starting his own business, Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21. But his employer would not let him serve any customer because he concluded that Frank "didn't have enough common sense to serve the customers".

7. By acclamation, Michael Jordon is the greatest basketball player of all time. A phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grace, speed, power, artistry, improvisational ability and an unquenchable competitive desire. Jordan single-handedly redefined the NBA superstar. Before joining NBA, Jordan was just an ordinary person, so ordinary that was cut from high school basketball team because of his "lack of skill".

8. Walter Disney was American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, and animator. One of the most well-known motion picture producers in the world, Disney founded a production company. The corporation, now known as The Walt Disney company, makes average revenue of US billion annually. Disney started his own business from his home garage and his very first cartoon production went bankrupt. During his first press conference, a newspaper editor ridiculed Walt Disney because he had no good ideas in film production.

9. Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade. However, that never stopped him to work harder! He strived and eventually became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Churchill is generally regarded as one of the most important leaders in Britain and world history. In a poll conducted by the BBC in 2002 to identify the "100 Greatest Britons", participants voted Churchill as the most important of all.

10. Steven Spielberg is an American film director. He has won 3 Academy Awards an ranks among the most successful filmmakers in history. Most of all, Steven was recognized as the financially most successful motion picture director of all time. During his childhood, Spielberg dropped out of junior high school. He was persuaded to come back and was placed in a learning-disabled class. He only lasted a month and then dropped out of school forever.

11. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist widely regarded as the most important scientist of the 20th century. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905 and "for his services to Theoretical Physics". However, when Einstein was young, his parents thought he was mentally retarded. His grades in school were so poor that a teacher asked him to quit, saying, "Einstein, you will never amount to anything!"

12. In 1947, one year into her contract, Marilyn Monroe was dropped by 20th Century-Fox because her producer thought she was unattractive and cannot act. That didn't deter her at all! She kept on going and eventually she was recognized by the public as the 20th century's most famous movie star, sex symbol and pop icon.

13. John Grisham's first novel was rejected by sixteen agents and twelve publishing houses. He went on writing and writing until he became best known as a novelist and author for his works of modern legal drama. The media has coined him as one of the best novel authors even alive in the 21st century.

14. Henry Ford's first two automobile companies failed. That did not stop him from incorporating Ford Motor Company and being the first to apply assembly line manufacturing to the production of affordable automobiles in the world. He not only revolutionized industrial production in the United States and Europe, but also had such influence over the 20th century economy and society. His combination of mass production, high wages and low prices to consumers has initiated a management school known as "Fordism". He became one of the three most famous and richest men in the world during his time.

15. Soichiro Honda was turned down by Toyota Motor Corporation during a job interview as "engineer" after World War Two. He continued to be jobless until his neighbors starting buying his "home-made scooters". Subsequently, he set out on his own to start his own company. Honda. Today, the Company has grown to become the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and one of the most profitable automakers - beating giant automaker such as GM and Chrysler. With a global network of 437 subsidiaries, Honda develops, manufactures, and markets a wide variety of products ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars.

16. Akio Morita, founder of giant electric household products, Sony Corporation, first product was an electric rice cooker, only sold 100 cookers (because it burned rice rather than cooking). Today, Sony is generating US billion in revenue and ranked as the world's 6th largest electronic and electrical company.

16 Most Inspiring Famous Failures

Copyright (c) 2010 Kenneth Foo

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Techniques in Political Research

The telephone call out method of political research is the dinosaur of our times. Like the dinosaur, everyone keeps talking about it as if it was still alive. Museums will someday display call centers with voice samples of the traditional political call. Sadly, many politicians and special interest groups still believe these old world methods are effective.

If you are an observer of recent elections, one very different feeling has been surfacing during the past two election cycles. An alarming lack of confidence in polls and election predictions.


A few obvious reasons the traditional polls are failing to perform are the advent of Caller ID, the massive use of the "Do Not Call" lists, the common (most cases it is now free) option to not list a new phone number when ordering service and the biggest factor no one wants to admit, the shit from land lines to cell lines as the ONLY phone in a residence. Cell numbers are not listed anywhere. The number of "cell phone only" voters will grow to over ten percent this year and continue to rise. Wow, so what data are you using to make critical decisions?

New Techniques in Political Research

I know you want to believe the old methods work. You want to trust. But in your heart, you know something isn't right. It is time for new research methods.

While voters have shifted their telephone habits, they have also started a new habit of Internet use. The political blogs, newspapers, interaction via Internet during news and town hall televised events and now the podcasts have America located in a different place. They have moved. Has your research company moved with them?

Research firms who have evolved with the times employ techniques including web cam interviews while conducting political research. Better than a phone call, this confirms who is being surveyed; this approach also enables the client to see a picture of all who have been survey. It is amazing how putting a face with the data spawns a different creative insight than traditional research results. The new age of political research has arrived. It is an exciting time for creative companies. It is not so good to be the dinosaur.

New Techniques in Political Research

Scott Perreault ( is a twenty-year political voice and media consultant. Scott is currently the media advisor for the 2006 Democratic US Senate candidate in Texas and a Republican State Senate candidate in Arizona. Scott Radio conducts affordable political research to determine the effectiveness of your campaign message, issues that are current with your voting demographic, name recognition issues, and much more. ([]) We put a face on research. When your staff reviews numbers, it lacks reality. We let you into the real world of your target group when you look into their eyes. You will be amazed at what you see and how your decision making process is altered from traditional research results.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2008 Trends in US Politics

There appears to be quite a few new trends in this 2008 election year. And both sides seem to have quite a few tricks up their sleeves. Many of the old techniques of calling your opponent unfit to lead are of course, still at play, but interestingly enough there are a number of new strategies being deployed that are actually making a difference and may in the end change the outcome of the Presidential Election.

For instance, bloggers are now major players and the Democrats have certified some 500-Bloggers to represent them, most all are volunteers. The Republicans have certified only 200, but seem to have some strong talking points to project. During the both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions there will be a "Big Blogger's Test" erected by the biggest name on the Internet; Google. For 0 bloggers will have work stations, refreshments and a lounge, with full access to media coverage as well. Of course all the old political tricks are still alive and well. One astute gentleman and political analyst put it like this;


Everyone knows that in the human carbon based bi-ped world of primate politics that the easiest way to attack your opponent and make it stick is to call into question his moral character and then label him unfit to lead. Thus anyone who knows anything about the disgusting game of politics knows this little trick used by the political opponents on both sides."

2008 Trends in US Politics

Amazingly enough, we are entering a new age of politics and the Internet is speeding up the pace, we thus ought to be very careful not to get too caught up in the race.

2008 Trends in US Politics

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Power and Politics Within Organization

It's more difficult to speak on the topic of power than it is to speak on money. We all believe in universal presence of power and its strength in determining all situations. While establishing any organization powers are assigned on relatively different perspectives. Mangers need a power to achieve his goals by using available resources. The process of influencing the behaviors of employees on the basis of managers' wishes shows their dependency on authority. Formal power is based on information and rules which all employees has to follow. Reward power is based on achievements and it is distributed mainly with values.

Power is primarily received from the positions of individuals in formal hierarchy of organizations. Such legitimate power is applied to control and to rightly use the resources of organizations. Similarly referral power is attained by individuals on the basis of desirable resources or personal traits. Individual's interpersonal style and personality execute charismatic power. Mangers use power tactics as a reaction to undesirable actions and to influence subordinates and supervisors. Tactics used by managers to influence supervisors comprised of reasoning, coalitions, friendliness, bargaining, assertiveness and high authority tactics. Similarly in order to influence subordinates, managers demonstrate tactics to bring out reasoning firstly than assertiveness, friendliness, coalition, bargaining, and high authority tactics. Sanctions are applied at the last stage of this process. Power in the group of professionals can be formally bound together and actively involved to get a common goal. Because of mismanagement and unequal powers in the workplace, illegitimate behaviors can be practiced like sexual harassment.


Studies are showing that, USA stands at the top in workplace sexual harassment incidence figures. Political behavior is not the formal role of requirements in organizations; but it is vital in bringing advantages and disadvantages distributions. Legitimate political behavior is accepted at some extent where as illegitimate political behavior is not welcomed in any good organization. Individual and organizational factors collectively determine the political behavior. Favorable outcomes can either be rewarded or averted with punishment. Beside that, reactive and protective behaviors can be used to defend blames or any change. Reactive behaviors showing individual impressions can even be managed accordingly.

Power and Politics Within Organization

Organizational politics also demand some ethics to follow while acting. Employees' rights need to be assured before demonstrating any political initiative. Diversified group as a whole react abruptly to defend any political behavior. On the other hand each employee from different back ground reacts differently. Individual factors his job rules and responsibilities and organizational cultures; all impacts directly or indirectly in determining our political behaviors. Companies do need policies and security from the top management to tackle unacceptable outcomes from any political scenario. Similarly commitment from top management is required to clearly determine and verify the application of political behaviors in organizational management system.

Power and Politics Within Organization

Power and Politics within organization

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