Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Butts

I come from German ancestry, almost all of my forebearers, are German. I am a third generation, American. However because of excessive in-breeding by my Grandparents, I am almost all German by descent.

Not too bad really, I was always a very good athlete, but there was one stigma I never could shake, The German big butt syndrome (GBBS). It seems that all Germans (and their progeny) have big butts! And I don't mean kinda big, I mean BIG.


Like I said I was always a good athlete, but even in the best of shape, I still had a noticeable butt. "Bubble butt" is what they called me at work 8 years ago, while at the time I was running 35mi. a week to prepare for a marathon!

Big Butts

Well here I am, 8 years older, and only jogging (maybe shuffling is a better term), 12 mi a week. I try not to make a habit of bending over in front of my crew at work. The whistles and the snickers, are very embarrassing! Hey! I can't help my DNA man! Show a brother some compassion will ya? And to think what a good boss (that's jeffe, in Spanish) I am to them.

Like "Dirty Harry" said,"A man has to know his limits", and right now my limits are being contained in a 36" waist. At least I know if I hap-hazardously bend over in front of someone, no one will get hurt, injured, or frightened unless I clip them with my big butt.

Big Butts

This article is from my blog "Mike's Common Sense". My blog is a common person's perspective on a variety of subjects; Spirituality, humor. life, and politics.

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