Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whirlpool Washer Error Codes - Know What The Codes Mean

There are some models of Whirlpool washers which have common problems. It would help if the homeowner knew some tips on Whirlpool washer troubleshooting so they don't necessarily panic and go out to buy a new unit. Simply reading on what are the common Whirlpool washer problems are should prepare the owner to do their own tweaking.

Usually there are Whirlpool washer error codes that flash which would indicate some problems. There are some models with LCD screens and the error code would be flashing there. There are some which do not come with a screen so expect lights to blink.


Whirlpool Washers with LCD Screens
On the LCD screen, there should be a letter F with an accompanying number. The F stands for Fault and it means that an error has happened. On the washer manual, there should be a list of codes which would identify the number to the error. For example, the F2 on a Whirlpool Duet GHW9150P washer means that the error is happening on the drain hose. What the owner has to do if they see that F2 flashing is to check on the drain hose. Make sure that there are no kinks or plugs which can cause a clogging. If that is clear, check on the drain pump filter. There are times when foreign objects may get trapped in the filter that could cause the clogging.

Whirlpool Washer Error Codes - Know What The Codes Mean

The F22 and the F26 should mean that there is a problem with the door.
Check by opening and closing the washer doors again. If there is an F5, F20 and F21 flashing, these should indicate errors with the connection of the water and could simply be fixed by making adjustments on the valves. It is usually the error codes like the F31, F32 and the F33 which may indicate a more serious problem. There could be a malfunction of the part which may or may not require a replacement part. When you see that flashing, call the customer service for a technician to check the unit.

Whirlpool Washers without LCD Screens
For those with no screens, there will be blinking lights instead. Look into the manual of the particular unit. Check out the arrangement of the blinking lights. Check out the manual for it should have the arrangement of the codes to identify the exact trouble occurring.

The Important of the Manual
When buying a Whirlpool washer, it is always recommended to open the manual of the new unit and at least read it once to get familiarized with the contents. Look over the fault code lists and the replacement parts which could easily replace a malfunctioning one. Also take note of the contact number or the website address for the Whirlpool customer service.

Whirlpool Washer Error Codes - Know What The Codes Mean

Having problems with your washer? Find Whirlpool Washer Troubleshooting tips to fix your problem and find out the meanings of those Whirlpool Washer error codes.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

The Importance of Father-Daughter Relationships

In Today's busy world, Fathers find very little time to get involved in the nurture and development of their children. "Fathers bring a unique presence, a special strength to raising children," says a clinical psychologist Ray Guarendia, in her book "Back to the Family."

How true this is in the bringing up of daughters! Just as there is a special bond between mothers and sons, the relationship between fathers and daughters is unique. Fathers therefore cannot afford to remain remote characters in the lives of their daughters. Parenting is a joint venture, with fathers just as active participants as mothers.

There are various reasons why paternal involvement becomes limited.

The Importance of Father-Daughter Relationships

o Ambitious and over worked Dads put their jobs before the welfare of their families. They come home too tired to spend quality time with their children. Often the children are asleep when they return, and leave for school before Dads are awake.
o Absentee Dads: Those with traveling jobs like airline pilots, sales representatives, businessmen or long distance truck drivers may be away from home frequently, sometimes for long stretches.
o Divorced Dads with limited visiting rights also cannot spend sufficient time with their children.
o False notions that girls are to be brought up exclusively by mothers or women in the house, make men distance themselves from their daughters. They feel awkward to show affection, and so miss out on the little intimacies they could share with their daughters.

The word "Dad" is of a universal nature. It conjures up qualities of responsibility, protection, love, and discipline. Being a father can be a rewarding job, and a man who abdicates his responsibility is falling short of his God-given role. John Rosemond a Family Counselor, wrote in one of his articles that a father must not only be present but be 'actively involved' and 'a vigorously interested participant' in the child rearing process.

Jawaharlal Nehru the first Prime Minister of India, spent long spells in prison during the struggle for Indian independence. He sorely regretted his separation from his beloved daughter Indira, but he kept in contact with her through letters, which were later compiled into a book "Glimpses of World History." These letters express his deep love for her and the ease with which he expressed it.

"Priyadarshini, dear to my sight but dearer still to my heart....."

"I think of the day when we shall all three meet again, and the thought of it lightens and cheers my heart."

In spite of being absent, he kindled in her an interest in World history, Science and Politics, which contributed in no small measure to the moulding of her character.

Or who can forget Dad William Jackson Smart who raised six children single handedly in rural Washington and his daughter Senora Dodd, who fought for Fathers' Day, as a dedication to dads like him.

To be a good father, one must needs be aware of a few essential requirements.

o Show Love. No father should feel embarrassed to show affection to his daughter. A touch, a hug, a special smile, and three little words "I love you" are tangible ways of communicating love. She learns to reciprocate that love. This is her first male-female relationship with her father, and will influence her behaviour with her husband in later life. The earliest reflection of herself as female comes from her dad. How does he regard her? Does he accept her without reservations? Or does he treat her as inferior to her brother? When he shows respect she feels worthwhile as an individual. When he ignores her or is too critical, she begins to feel that she is worthless.
o Show love and respect to her mother. A good and loving relationship between parents is the foundation for her evolution into a happy, well balanced child. It gives her a sense of security, and a good opinion about marriage.
o Shared Activities: A good father will show interest in his daughter's activities. He will make her feel good about her abilities and achievements. He will find something to praise. A father should be his daughter's cheer leader. Doing things together like reading, walking, playing games is time well spent. He will also learn to see things through her eyes as she walks him through her wonderland. Time is a very precious gift.
o Communication: Listening and paying attention to what a daughter says is a way of showing love. What may seem silly to an adult may be bothersome to a child. She should be encouraged to talk of her school problems, peer pressure, studies or any other conflict situations. A good father will help her find solutions to her problems. He will teach not blame. She will be free to voice her opinions and be open to advice.
o Respect: A girl child is to be regarded as a person and not as a possession. Her right to privacy and her space to grow must be respected.
o Honesty: Being honest with his child will make a father trustworthy in her estimation. Her questions should be answered sensibly. She should be taught to distinguish between right and wrong, honesty and dishonesty. She should not be forced to do what she doesn't want to do by offering inducements, or threats or emotional blackmail.
o Discipline: "Discipline is one of the most loving, durable gifts a parent can give to his child," says Gaurendi. It should be consistent, fair and administered with love. When training a child in the way she should go, the father should make sure he goes that way himself. The task of parenting is overwhelming. It is exciting to see men who take family responsibility seriously, and are caring and compassionate. The way a father speaks, the words he uses, the tone of his voice can be encouraging or discouraging. Dependability and Integrity which she learns from her father will prepare her for 'the school of hard knocks' she must pass through on her trek towards adulthood.

The relationship between father and daughter reaches a very delicate phase when she is in her teens. This period must be negotiated with tact and efficiency. She must be assured that he values her as an intelligent and independent person. Becoming aware of his daughter's sexuality makes many a father uncomfortable. Suddenly he feels demoted in her list of priorities. So far, he was the centre of her universe. Now her eyes begin to rove and get focused on other boys. She wants to dress differently and behave differently. Some fathers cannot handle these changes well. They might react by being overprotective or overbearing.

o Overprotective: In a society which does not value modesty or sexual purity, Dad becomes afraid that his precious girl may go astray. He feels it is his duty to impose rules about dating and whom she will date, or how she will dress, or what company she will keep. This 'paternal neurosis' is unwelcome. The girl feels restricted. On the one hand it may make her feel insecure, as though she is incapable of taking care of herself. On the other hand, she might want to escape from this 'smother love' before it stunts her emotional growth.
o Overbearing: Daughters tend to rebel against dictatorial fathers. When rigid rules are imposed which she thinks unnecessary, when he restricts her activities she might begin to fear him or hate him. There is a distinct inclination to rebel. A father must be sensitive to the growing needs of his daughter and make allowances appropriately. He should negotiate fairly, allowing her to gain confidence and pride in her choices. But he must also impress upon her that choices have consequences.

A daughter considers her father a gauge by which she will estimate the worth of other men. If he is well behaved, dependable, honest and loving, she will look for those qualities in other men. He must be a praying father too as he reflects the unconditional love of God our father. Child psychologist Phyllis Bronstein says that while a mother teaches nurture and caring, a father teaches physical competence, self confidence in asserting opinions, and adventurism. Children with good fathers get on well with other people and are achievers. Whereas those who are neglected by their fathers show lower IQ, poor performance in school, and delinquency.

When fathers are abusive, hot tempered, irresponsible or alchoholics, this too has an adverse impact on daughters. They look for similar traits in husbands or lovers. Irrespective of the damage it does to them physically, psychologically and emotionally, this 'father hunger' compels them to seek such men, hoping that eventually things will change. One father said, "If I screw up, she will spend the rest of her life with a 'screw up.' I don't want that to happen."

Too much of molly coddling is unhealthy and can lead to 'father fixation.' This kind of wrong parenting can be the cause of the Electra Complex - a psychological term for a girl's romantic feelings towards her father, and anger towards her mother. Carl Jung called it the "Female Oedipus Attitude." This could even lead to incestuous relationship between father and daughter.

An anonymous poet has this advice for fathers:
"Take stock of yourself and consider your child,
Your time and your thoughts are her due;
For how would you answer the Lord if he asks
What kind of a father were you?"

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Eva Bell is a doctor of Medicine and also a freelance writer of articles, short stories, children stories. Published in Indian magazines and newspapers, anthologies and also on the web.

Author of two novels, one non-fiction, two children's books. Special interest- Travel and Women's Issues.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun Facts About Jamaica


Jamaica -a island in the Caribbean- probably is the first place you think of for a perfect beach holiday. It is known as the "Little Jewel in the Caribbean".Jamaica has 120 lakes and rivers...


Fun Facts About Jamaica

Linford Christie,who is a former British sprinter, was born on April 2, 1960, in Saint Andrew, Jamaica. Linford Christie was one of the best sprinters in the 1980s and 1990s.


Jamaica became the second Caribbean country to elect a female prime minister. Her name: Portia Simpson-Miller.She was elected prime minister in 2006.


Jamaica is the birthplace of Bob Marley, who was one of the best singers of all time.People all over the world wanted to meet this incredible singer. He died on May 11, 1981 in Miami (USA), but today the people of Jamaica still think of him with great respect.


Jamaica has more olympic medals than Portugal, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Singapur and Kuwait combined.It has competed in the Summer Olympic Games 15 times (London-1948, Helsinki-1952, Melbourne-1956, Rome-1960,Tokyo-1964, Mexico City-1968, Munich-1972, Montreal-1976, Moscow-1980, Los Angeles-1984, Seoul-1988, Barcelona-1992, Atlanta-1996, Sydney-2000, and Athens-2004).


Naomi Cambpell, who is a British supermodel, has Jamaican ancestry.


Jamaica hosted the 1966 British Empire & Commonwealth Games.


Jamaica has many idols: Marlene Ottey (sportswoman), Bob Marley (singer), Grace Jones (singer, actress and supermodel), Peter Tosh (singer), Diana King (singer), and Cheryl Lynn (singer).


Tessa Sanderson was the first British black woman to win an olympic gold medal.She won the gold medal at the 1984 Olympics in the javelin competiton. Tessa Sanderson was born on March 14, 1956, in Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica.She later became a British citizen...


Like Domica, Trinidad & Tobago, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Barbados, Antigua & Barbuda, and Grenada, Jamaica is a democracy in the world.


Jamaica is a beautiful island in the Caribbean and is sunny all year round. Although it has competed in the Winter Olympic Games 5 times.

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Alejandro Guevara Onofre: Alejandro, best known as “Alex”, is a freelance writer. Different from other freelance writers, Alejandro is a versatile writer, who has written articles about biographies, culture, ecology, tourism, and international relations.

He admires Jimmy Carter (former President of the USA), Maria Felix (Mexican actress), Mario Vargas Llosa (writer from Peru), and Osmel Sousa (currently President of Miss Venezuela Organization).

His favorite writer is V.S.Naipaul. His hobbies and interests are writing essays, going to the gym, browsing the Internet, Foreign Politics, learning about cultures, reading , cooking Peruvian food, listening to American and British Music...

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Strategic Thinking From Art of War Author Sun Tzu Relevant Today

Few writers from ancient times enjoy the same level of recognition as Sun Tzu, the famous philosopher and general from ancient China. Quotes from his timeless treatise the "Art of War" appear in popular culture and the whole book is frequently studied by business and military students around the world. Sun Tzu's "Art of War" presents thirteen chapters that describe how to factor in all important variables when trying to win a conflict. The principles can be applied to military problems as well as the challenges of the marketplace or even personal struggles.

The precise dates of the birth and death of Sun Tzu are not known, but history has verified his existence around the year 500 B.C.E. in China. Born of Sun Ping, a senior military officer in the state of Qi, Sun Tzu grew up with an education focusing on military affairs. At the time, it was common for Chinese generals to write about their philosophies of war, but it has been the work of Sun Tzu that has survived the ages. What made his "Art of War" so compelling that it is quite literally still in print 2,500 years after it was first inked onto strips of bamboo?

Part of the resilience of Sun Tzu's ideas comes from his success as a general. Ancient China was a complex chessboard of highly civilized yet warring states, and Sun Tzu enjoyed a respectable career within this challenging environment. Sun Tzu was in the employ of He Lu, the ruler of the state of Wu, who made him a general of the kingdom. In this role, Sun Tzu participated in numerous campaigns. His successes included the destruction of the Yue state, the territorial expansion of Wu, and the occupation of the city of Ying.

Strategic Thinking From Art of War Author Sun Tzu Relevant Today

His successful application of his strategic thinking surely lent his literary work strength. His "Art of War" is not limited to narrow military concepts such as positioning soldiers on the field. Sun Tzu took into account all the forces acting upon a state. War is a tool of the state, and as Sun Tzu wrote, "War is a matter of vital importance to the state; a matter of life or death, the road either to survival or to ruin." But this crucial element of state power could not operate independently of diplomacy, politics, economics, geography, and philosophy. Each chapter in the "Art of War" explores these and other factors in detail and teaches that the application of military force must be used with a multidisciplinary approach. Geography is certainly given great emphasis because the actual land that is being fought over underpins military strategy, but it is not the sole consideration for a general.

Among the many sage pieces of advice that one can take away from the "Art of War" is Sun Tzu's insistence that war should not be started hastily, with optimistic assumptions, or without good intelligence. The stakes in war are too high for the state to lose, so therefore it must only employ its military tools when it can achieve victory. The economics of warfare is repeatedly stressed by Sun Tzu because of the heavy toll that maintaining an army in the field extracts from its society. War should not be the first tool that a state uses to gain its desired outcomes because it is so expensive.

In Sun Tzu's final chapter of his book, he opens with a statement that rings very true today as my own country, the United States, finds itself financing a prolonged war. From Chapter 13 "Use of Spies" Sun Tzu wrote:

"Now, when an army of one hundred thousand is raised and dispatched on a distant campaign, the expenses borne by the people together with disbursements of the treasury will amount to a thousand pieces of gold daily. In addition, there will be continuous commotion both at home and abroad, people will be exhausted by the corvee of transport, and the farm work of seven hundred thousand households will be disrupted."

Reading this, I am amazed by how little some things can change even after thousands of years. War is expensive, and its cost radiates throughout the populace supporting the army. This truth dramatically reveals the wisdom that Sun Tzu offered in his writing. From the "Art of War" a reader will gain a clear method for assessing almost any given situation and then planning a route to success. In his discussion of war, Sun Tzu teaches his readers to think about where they are, what they are doing, can they support what they are doing, do they know what they are up against, what is the easiest method for achieving their goals, and so forth. Sun Tzu continually reminds the reader (and during his life no doubt himself) that the state must not think about only what it desires without giving weighty consideration to outside influences. For individuals, this all inclusive way of thinking helps them to surmount the blinders that emotions often place on their actions. Obstacles to victory cannot be ignored. They must be dealt with thoughtfully.

The world of ancient China that Sun Tzu lived in might have been simpler in the sense of less technology, but the stakes of warfare were no less important than they are today, and the path to finding victory or success was no easier.

As a very short work, the "Art of War" can be read in an hour or two, but it will give readers something to think about for years. His advice sticks in the head. It might not be easy to follow, but Sun Tzu's famous statement that "every battle is won or lost before it is fought" serves as the ultimate reminder that victory comes to those who plan.

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To benefit from the refined thinking of Sun Tzu access its instantly available ebook version. The Art of War is included in six ebook formats in the Ebook Classics collection at Falbe Publishing. http://www.falbepublishing.com

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Famous Filibusters in Political History

The filibuster as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Though it was not used in the early years of the nation, the filibuster has been used hundreds of times since the 1840's. Here are a few of the famous filibusters from our political history.

The U.S. Constitution does not limit the length or nature of debate on the floors of the Senate or the House of Representatives. The House has since adopted rules which limit the length of debate since the House has a very large number of Representatives. But the smaller Senate has always upheld the right of a recognized Senator to debate an issue for as long as he or she wishes to hold the floor. Senate Rule 19 and Rule 22, the cloture rule adopted in 1917, create some guidelines for conducting a debate and for closing the debate when it becomes lengthy.

Senator Henry Clay

Famous Filibusters in Political History

In 1841 Senator Henry Clay proposed a bank bill that was opposed by Senator John C. Calhoun who began a lengthy, seemingly unending, rebuttal. Calhoun basically created the modern filibuster. Clay threatened to change the Senate rules in order to close debate on the issue. Clay's colleague, Thomas Hart Benton, rebuked Clay and accused him of trying to stifle the Senate's right to unlimited debate.

Through the next few turbulent decades and into the 1960's the filibuster was used often by Southern Democrats to block civil rights legislation. The filibuster had been seen by the minority party as a tool to combat the potential "tyranny of the majority," but the frequent usage of the filibuster by the Southern Democrats became characterized as the "tyranny of the minority."

Senate Rule 22

President Woodrow Wilson suggested that some limits be placed on the unlimited debate concept. In 1917 the Senate adopted Senate Rule 22, now known as the "cloture" rule. The new Rule 22 provided the mechanism to close out debate on a legislative bill and bring the bill up for a vote if cloture was approved by 67% of the Senate. The 67% requirement remained in effect until 1975 when Rule 22 was amended to allow a 60% agreement to invoke cloture.

Cloture Rule 22 was tested in 1919 when the Senate was asked to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I. The treaty was debated and filibustered, but a 67% majority voted to end the filibuster and to bring the treaty to a vote.

Senator Huey Long

Senator Huey Long, the fiery and colorful senator from Louisiana, made the filibuster famous between 1932 and 1935 when he utilized it several times to stall legislation that he considered unfair to the poor. Long frustrated his opponents and entertained the Senate gallery by reading Shakespeare, reciting shrimp and oyster recipes and talking about "pot-likkers." An amendment to Senate Rule 19 later required that debate on legislation be germane to the issue being debated.

On June 12, 1935, Senator Long engaged in his most famous filibuster. A bill was before the Senate to eliminate the provision for the Senate to confirm senior National Recovery Act employees. Senator Long opposed the bill because he didn't want his political adversaries in Louisiana to obtain lucrative N.R.A. jobs. Senator Long spoke for 15 hours and 30 minutes running well into the evening and early morning hours with senators dozing at their desks. Long read and analyzed each section of the Constitution, a document which he claimed had become "ancient and forgotten lore" under President Roosevelt's New Deal.

After the reading of the Constitution Senator Long offered to give advice to the remaining senators on any subject of their choosing. No senator took Long up on his offer but the gallery patrons began sending notes to the floor for Senator Long to extemporize on. That kept Long going into the early hours of the morning. At 4 a.m. Long yielded the floor in order to use the restroom and his proposal was defeated.

James Stewart brought more fame to the filibuster when he played the role of Senator Jefferson Smith in the 1939 film, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Stewart's character launched into a filibuster in response to an attempt to ridicule him.

Senator Wayne Morse

Senator Wayne Morse from Oregon was called "The Tiger of the Senate" and served in the Senate under 5 Presidents. In 1952 Senator Morse left the Republican Party, claiming independent status, when he objected to sections of the party platform and Dwight Eisenhower's choice of Richard Nixon as his vice presidential running mate. Senator Morse claimed that the Republican Party had left him.

On April 24, 1953, Senator Morse began to filibuster against Tidelands Oil legislation. He kept the floor for 22 hours and 26 minutes, breaking the filibuster record of 18 hours held by his mentor, Wisconsin Senator Robert La Follette.

Senator Morse is remembered through numerous colorful stories. For example, Clare Booth Luce, former U.S. Senator and Ambassador to Italy had to resign her appointment when she made the insulting but funny remark that her problems with Senator Morse began when he was kicked in the head by a horse.

Senator Strom Thurmond

About 9 p.m. on August 28, 1957, Senator Strom Thurmond rose before the Senate and announced, "Mr. President, I rise to speak against the so-called voting rights bill, H.R. 6127." His own staff had not been informed about Senator Thurmond's intentions to filibuster the bill, but they knew something was up when they saw Thurmond gathering considerable reading material.

Senator Thurmond had prepared himself for a long filibuster on the Senate floor. Earlier in the day he had spent time in the Senate steam room, dehydrating himself so that he would absorb all the water he drank without having to visit the restroom. His wife packed a steak sandwich lunch for him and she stayed in the family gallery throughout the night. Thurmond brought a quantity of malted milk tablets and throat lozenges from his office.

Senator Thurmond began his filibuster by reading each state's election statutes. He later read and discussed an opinion by Chief Justice Taft. He also read and discussed the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and Washington's Farewell Address. His staff, concerned for Senator Thurmond's health, was finally successful in getting him to leave the floor.

After 24 hours and 18 minutes, a record that still stands, Senator Thurmond concluded his remarks with, "I expect to vote against the bill." The bill was defeated.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

On June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia finished his address begun on the previous day, slightly more than 14 hours earlier. He filibustered against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, an act which was debated by Byrd and others for 57 working days, including 6 Saturdays.

Senate President Hubert Humphrey from Minnesota needed 67 votes to be able to carry the motion for cloture. Minority Leader Senator Everett Dirksen, the always eloquent senator from Illinois procured the Republican votes necessary to pass the cloture motion. "Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come," he said. "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"

The final roll call vote on cloture resulted in 71 votes in favor and 29 votes opposed. It was the first time in history that cloture had been invoked on civil rights legislation. The 1964 Civil Rights Act was the most sweeping of its kind in our history.

Justice Abe Fortas

In June of 1968 Chief Justice Earl Warren notified President Lyndon Johnson that he would be retiring from the Supreme Court. This move gave President Johnson time to nominate a successor since he was not planning to seek re-election as President. Johnson nominated Associate Justice Abe Fortas to replace Warren. At the same time Johnson nominated Texas Appeals Court Justice Homer Thornberry to replace Fortas, a move that was designed to satisfy southern senators.

President Johnson counted on Senators Everett Dirksen and Richard Russell for their support of the nomination. When Abe Fortas testified at his own confirmation hearing, an unprecedented occurrence, it was revealed that Fortas worked uncomfortably closely with the White House staff and the President. Later it was learned that Fortas was being paid a large sum, privately, to teach an American University summer course. At this point Dirksen, Russell, and other senators withdrew their support.

Though the committee recommended confirmation of Justice Abe Fortas, a filibuster ensued on the Senate floor to block his confirmation, the first filibuster in Senate history on a Supreme Court nomination. On October 1, 1968, the Senate was unable to tally the 67 votes needed to invoke cloture and President Johnson withdrew the nomination.

The use of the filibuster has increased from 16 filibusters in the 19th century to 66 in the first half of the 20th century to 195 in the period from 1970 to 1995. It is likely that the filibuster will continue to play an important role in the American political process.

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Garry Gamber is a public school teacher. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and internet dating services. He is a founding member of http://www.GoodPoliticsRadio.com and the owner of http://www.TheDatingAdvisor.com

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Get Any Girl To Sleep With You - Incredibly Effective Tips You Can Master Right Now

Men always dream about being the one who can attract almost any girl and get her to sleep with him. Women do not easily jump into the sack with every random male and you first need to understand what they actually look for in a man before going to bed with him. Once you master everything that a woman needs you can easily drive any girl to get into bed with you. Read on to find out some of the most effective ways to get any girl to sleep with you easily.

Never talk about sex- Yes this is the very first step towards getting a girl to sleep with you. Girls don't want a man who wants sex rather a man who wants a relationship. This is what you need to become. Make it a point never to talk about sex at all when talking to a girl and try to stay away as much as possible from this topic. She would automatically start the sexual conversation with you when she feels it's necessary.

Dominate everywhere- Women like dominant males and males who have got their act together. Women don't like to be put in the leader spot and don't like to tell her man what to do and what not to do. As a man learn to take control naturally. Natural leaders are known to be more attractive according to women than any other sort of male.

How To Get Any Girl To Sleep With You - Incredibly Effective Tips You Can Master Right Now

Be too hard to deal with- Women never go for something which is easily gettable especially when it comes to guys. Unless you become someone who is rare and is extremely hard to deal with she would never get into bed with you. Learn to say no and never be a yes man in front of her. Try to act hard even if you are a different person in reality.

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