Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Affect of American Politics on Designer Clothing

I have begun writing a series of articles with a view to analyse the affect the top ten political fashion statements, as identified by Time magazine, has had on designer clothing. In this article I'm taking a look at the third entry in the list, 'Every Male in American Politics, Ever'. This may seem like a fairly large group, however American politics seems to have a fairly strict dress code, and you could even call this a uniform. When someone breaks this mould, as Rick Santorum has done recently, it causes controversy. It causes people to write articles and make lists about the top ten political fashion statements!

If you take a look back at every American politician you'll notice there's a very particular way they dress. Take a crisp white shirt, add a tie in whatever colour represents your political standing in a double Windsor knot. Top this off with a dark neatly tailored suit and add the obligatory flag label pin and you are ready to run for political office. This seems to have been the standard for American politics for as long as I can remember. This has definitely had an influence on the world. This trend made it to the UK during the 90's and seems to be slowly becoming the standard for the world. But how has it influenced the designer clothing world.


The tailored suit has definitely become the thing the fashion world has pulled out of this particular fashion statement. Tailored suits look good, however not everyone can have all their clothing tailored. The big designer brands realised this was an issue and have managed to engineer a range of designer clothing which has the appearance of tailoring in a way which can be mass-produced.

The Affect of American Politics on Designer Clothing

Probably the most notable addition to their offing has been the introduction of slim fit shirts. These shirts pull in at the waist creating the appearance of tailoring. These have proven very popular and have even graduated from designer clothing brands onto the high street. You may have also noticed this shape get applied to other forms of clothing too. T-shirts and polo shirts both seem to have had the same treatment, many of these are now designed to come in at the waist slightly and look as though they have been fitted.

This trend has proven very popular and it does seem that tailored suits becoming the norm for American politics has had a role to play in developing a desire for this type of clothing.

Continuing with the series I'll be taking a look at Kim Jong Il and his penchant for safari suits and sunglasses in my next article.

The Affect of American Politics on Designer Clothing

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

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